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(813) 831-7300
4644 W Gandy Blvd
Tampa, Florida 33611‎

                 Your iPhone

Added 7/26/2013

Digitizer ReplacementHave you accidentally locked yourself out of your phone? Are you worried that you are now the proud owner of a very expensive paper weight? Whether it's a failed attempt at Jailbreaking your iPhone or some other problem script that has left you staring at an empty Retina display, we are here to help!

Unbricking your iPhone, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 3, iPhone Retina and other idevices isn't an easy task. Like Jailbreaking, only someone experienced with iOS should attempt to unbrick your iPhone. Even though you may be able to find a tutorial on how to unbrick you iPad (iPad Mini, iPod or whichever model is your model), it doesn't mean it's right or that you should try it. Remember, there's a reason your iPhone won't turn on and there's a reason your screenis stuck on the logo screen... something went wrong!

So trust your local experts to get you back up, connected and working again. Contact MacRepairAppleRepairTampa.com today!


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