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(813) 831-7300
4644 W Gandy Blvd
Tampa, Florida 33611‎


Broken iPhone
Apple iPad® Repair,iPad® Repair Services,iPad® Repair shop,iPad® jack replacement,Tablet Battery Replacement and more!

Whether you have the first iPhone model, released in 2007, or one of the many other versions of the 3 other models, it is completely repairable by one of our expert technicians. We can backup your data, replace a broken screen, swap out a battery that doesn't charge, change a cracked case and even replace a bad LCD screen (dead pixels or cracked crystals).

Your iPhone is your tether to the world and the storage center of some of your most important data. We offer FAST TURNAROUND and COMPLETE Repair services so you won't have to be without your iDevice any longer then absolutely necessary. Comtact us today so we can start to get you reconnected to your life!

Let us help with troubleshooting your iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 5!

iPhone 3 iPhone 2 iPhone 3GS iPAD 2 iPhone 5 iPhone 4S iPAD 3 iPhone Repair LCD Repair